guest.editor wrote a new post, Farewell, Donald Trump 4 years, 2 months ago
This morning as I awoke, my neighbor texted me the following: “I would like to know how you rate Trump as President? Greatest ever? Mentally flawed? Worst President ever?”
I try to avoid snap judgements, but a […]
guest.editor wrote a new post, John Locke Should Be Counted among the Founding Fathers 6 years, 9 months ago
I woke up this morning thinking about John Locke. He had great ideas that are as relevant today as they were when he wrote them. Waking up thinking about John Locke probably makes me appear really weird to to […]
guest.editor commented on the post, New Guest Editor joins AltARP 7 years ago
I assume you figured it out by now ΑΘΗΝΑΙΩΝ. It’s like a joke that at first you don’t understand and suddenly a few days later a light goes on in your head and you get it. And then you think to yourself that it […]
guest.editor wrote a new post, New Guest Editor joins AltARP 7 years ago
The good old boys at AltARP allowed me to become a guest editor with the promise that I would not embarrass them or the members who proudly wear the emblem of the antique goat that shows they are trying to […]
guest.editor changed their profile picture 7 years ago
We are the alternative to organizations that purport to represent the interests of retired people over 50 years old.